Australia’s first National Action Plan for Open Government

Engage2 managed stakeholder engagement for the creation of Australia’s first National Action Plan for Open Government for the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

The project was delivered as part of the Australian Government’s commitment to the Open Government Partnership, an international agreement to ensure Government is open, transparent and accountable.

Engage2 worked with stakeholders around Australia to get ideas and input into the Open Government National Action Plan 2016-2018. The process included a formal submission process, online engagement, teleconferences and a workshop with over 60 participants to help prioritise potential commitments for the Plan. The Plan consisted of a package of 15 commitments to help strengthen democracy and advance transparency, accountability, public participation and technological innovation.

Following Engage2’s involvement, an Interim Working Group, comprising equal representation of government officials and non-government members, was established in to provide input and help inform the drafting of the National Action Plan.


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