On Sunday, 17th September 2017, at the New Zealand Association of Local Government Information Managers Spring Conference Engage2 hosted a discussion on Innovative Methods for Digital Engagement and Customer Service.
The workshop format was a mix of panel discussion, group discussions and group exercises.
Justin Herman, Rebecca Rumbull and Amelia Loye shared how they were helping innovate governments use emerging technologies and engagement to improve customer service and governance and the discussion covered:
1) The current trends across Europe and America – democracy, citizens’ expectations of government and participation
2) How civic tech is being used by government and outside of government to enable greater participation in government and community, address service issues and challenge the legitimacy of government
3) The possibilities – what’s next? VR, AI and Blockchain
4) What to expect and how to manage it – including media and community reactions, citizens’ expectations and input, pace of change, disruption to your organisation, private sector firms / technology sales teams and the risks of using new tools in this context
- How government and communities are using civictech
- Digital disruption and emerging citizen technologies like VR, Ai, Blockchain etc
- Digital customer service and engagement
- Opening government, open data, linked data and big data for customer service
- Trends in community engagement, customer service
- Democratic innovations by governments in America, Europe and Australia
- Cross-sector collaboration for social innovation and public service
- Where face-to-face, people centric digital methods meet
- Servicing community when there’s a digital divide
- Building communities of practice
- Design methods, engagement and social science for governance and customer service
We recieved great feedback from ALGIM and their attendees about this event.